land opportunity & praise reports!
Dear Friends,
We thank the Lord always for you and your prayers and love.
Our ministry in India continues to grow, and the Hand of God blesses the work daily. We have come to a point in our growth where we need to purchase some land so that the ministries can work together in one place. The Girls and Boys Hope Homes have had many problems with landlords and have been evicted several times. It would be wonderful to have something of our own for safety.
As you may know, Christians are persecuted mercilessly in India. Our prayer warriors were once beaten with rods as they handed out tracts. They decided to return to prayer, return to the same place of the attack, and finish handing out the tracts! They are not afraid or ashamed of the gospel, but they joyously do the work of God every day.
We are ready to purchase three acres in a perfect place. The total price is $16,000. There are no buildings on the land; we will have to attack that later, but the first thing is securing the property.
Our widow prayer warriors have been going out on the streets sharing their food and Jesus with many starving and hurting people. I want to set up an Evangelistic fund to help with these projects. Our ministry is making a real difference in India.
Here are a few PRAISE REPORTS:
Seventy-five of our older Hope Home children are all in nursing school.
We are still feeding, sheltering, clothing, and educating one hundred fifty children, sixty-five widows, and sixty sewing women.
Support for many pastors in tribal areas
Fed and provided medical care for many with Covid
Teaching the children computers and English
Seventy Evangelistic Meetings where many were saved
Feeding twenty-one Leprous people
Supporting twenty-five Blind people
Street ministry to children and Sunday School in the Slums
Medical Ministry distributes help to the very poor
Prayer Mount Ministry with twenty-six widow warriors, praying around the clock
During Covid, our ministry distributed rice, oil, and provisions to many pastors and poor people.
AND MANY other things that are being done in the Name of Jesus!
We cannot begin to tell you how grateful we are for your excellent help. GOD BLESS YOU!
Founder and President, Streams in the Desert International, Inc.