“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
— Philippians 1:6
Streams Stories
Queenie’s Story
Queenie’s story with Streams in the Desert starts four years ago. One February morning one of the widows from our ministry decided to go for a walk. It was hot, something like 90 degrees Fahrenheit. As she was walking, she heard a faint cry coming from a nearby bush. In the bush she found a baby girl, wrapped in clothes, helplessly laying there. This widow took the baby girl back to Mrudula, at the Hope Home. From there she was taken to a hospital to be treated for dehydration. From that day, she has been part of our Streams in the Desert family. The widows who care for her have affectionately given her the nickname Queenie. She now has a home, and a family who cares for her more than she could ever imagine. She is thriving, and loves to laugh and play with the other children in her Hope Home. She is healthy and receiving a full education. We all love her very much.
The Story of Ram.
“I am Ram. I got married, but my husband always drank and beat me. He was a drunk. He used to beat me like anything. He used to beat me on my head with a stick and throw me against the wall. My nerves system failed, so I became mentally ill. My mind was so upset. Then my husband died. From that day on I was alone. Streams in the Desert gave me shelter.” We are so thankful to have been able to take in Ram over seven years ago. She now has restored hope and a place to find both emotional and physical healing. She has a loving community that surrounds her each day. Most importantly, she has found Jesus, who is her strength. Ram alongside the rest of our widow community actively serve the children in our Hope Homes. They also have the opportunity to be involved praying for our communities, and leading ministries on the city streets and in local villages.
The Story of P.
We would like to introduce you to P. Her story is heartbreaking. P has been widowed for fifteen years now. She lost one of her sons many years ago, the other is struggling with alcoholism. Her daughter has abandoned her because of her terrible situation. Now she lives in her home alone. Sadly, not even the government has been willing to step in to help her. P lives in her home pictured behind her. It is made of a tarp, sticks, and scrap metal. She doesn’t have proper bed, clothes, food, or home supplies. We are so glad to be able to help provide her with rice, clothes, and money to help her pay for her medications. She has become a wonderful friend to us, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to help care for her.