Streams Hope Homes
Children’s Hope Homes
India is currently home to over 20 millions orphaned children. Many of these children are abandoned by their parents who are unable to care for them due to extreme poverty. Streams in the Desert Hope Homes collectively house 125 children who would otherwise be left to fend for themselves on the city streets. Our children are split into three separate homes for boys, girls, and for young women. We are able to provide each child with three meals a day, a bed to sleep in, and an opportunity to go to school. As students progress through their education they are given the chance to focus their studies, many choose to study to be nurses or teachers. Through the Lord’s provision, we are able to pay for the children’s educational expenses including tuition, uniforms, shoes, books, and everything they need to be successful. Most importantly we provide a nurturing and loving Christian atmosphere that allows them to thrive and grow up into Godly men and women.
Widow’s hope home
Widows in India endure extreme suffering. The culture of reincarnation has relegated them to the lowest place of society. In India the widows are made to wear white. White is the symbol of death and as a sign of the widows plight, their colorful sari’s are stripped away from them. Even their family members turn away from them. Our Widows Hope Home houses 51 women who would otherwise risk being ostracized in their communities. We are able to provide them not only with food and shelter, but also spiritual community. We praise God because 15 of these women have become prayer warriors at our prayer ministry, and the others help to care for the children’s Hope Home. God is working in wondrous ways in and through these women. He proves again and again how faithful He is to pour out His love on those who seek Him.