pastoral support and community outreach
Pastoral Support Ministry
Its hard to believe in this day in age that there are still Christians who are heavily persecuted for their faith. There are thousands of Christians scattered through the “Untouchable” Villages of India. These are villages that are uncared for by the government because they are viewed as worthless. They live in extreme poverty. Many of the people are illiterate because they are not given education in any form. In these villages there is extreme Christian persecution. Faith in Jesus is punishable by death. We are honored to be able to provide for the pastors of many “Untouchable” churches. Tithes in these churches seldom exceed 1USD a month because of the extreme poverty. We are able to provide over 120 pastors with rice and vegetables to feed their families so that they can continue to serve the church.
Village Outreach
At Streams in the Desert Ministries, we are always searching for new ways to be involved in our community. We love that we get to go into the streets and proclaim the gospel of Jesus to our city neighbors, and also the many remote villages that surround the city. We are so proud to be teaching the many children and widows that we support to be bold in their faith and their prayers. We teach them how to share their faith and pursue the biblical command to “Go and make disciples of all men.” We believe that their is no one too old or too young to share the good news of Jesus with the world.